There is something called the Age of Understanding. It's different for each person. If a person dies before their own Age of Understanding (for example, infant deaths), God's mercy covers them and they go to heaven. Basically, the Age of Understanding comes when a person has the capability to understand Christ's death and its meaning, and also the chance to hear of it. People who never hear about God go to heaven. But once someone is past their Age, when they are fully able to process the message of salvation and have had enough opportunity, then they have a choice to make: to accept that they are a sinful being in need of grace, and go on to serve the true God, believing that Christ has paid the ultimate sacrifice for them. If they choose not to (and it is all about choice here), then the person is consciously rejecting God's offer of eternity in heaven. It is their own choice which condemns them.
So people of other religions who are never exposed to Christianity fall under the grace of not being past their Age of Understanding. Some people can live to be eighty years old and never be able to understand the Good News. They also fall under grace. Christ absolutely loves everyone, he died for us "while we were yet sinners," Romans 5:8 (KJV). But in response to that love, we have a choice: to accept it or not. It is when people reject this love and the grace that goes with it, that they are condemned to hell. It is never to late for them to turn around until their death, but it is a choice they make alone. Even if they are good people by the world's standards, you cannot earn your way to heaven. The bible teaches us that "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23-24 (emphasis mine). No matter how many good things you have done, you have also sinned, and it is impossible for a sinner to enter God's Kingdom. This is why we need the pardon offered through Christ so badly. We can't do it on our own.
And this is what I find troubling about a lot of my friends. I know them, they are extremely smart, and I am afraid that they are past the Age of Understanding. They need this Truth in their lives, they need to obtain forgiveness for their sins. Not only for the sake of their eternal soul, but so that they can know the joy that comes from living as God meant us to, in communion with him and with each other through fellowship. And I know that I alone cannot save my friends; all I can do is bring them to the foot of the Cross. Whether they accept the great gift is their choice alone.
I feel like I have such a responsibility to all of my friends, because I know the Truth. And friends shouldn't let friends go to hell, right? If I truly have found this pure joy in Christ, shouldn't I share it with all the world? "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23. God has made his plan of salvation known (Psalm 98:2), and we can't be exclusive with it in the church. We need to live unafraid, as saved people, and spread this joy that we have. This is what is means to be a Christian; literally it means "Christ-follower." So I find my relationships difficult. These are things that are essential to me, this is how I live my life, and people don't share these values. Moreover, they don't even understand them. I pray for my friends all the time. Not simply for their salvation, but also for God to bless and keep them under his wing. That he would guide their steps. But grace is not something a person can comprehend until they have experienced it. I wish everyone would come to this place of peace, in the love of God. No human can love like the God who is Love.
Please keep in mind reading this that I am not perfect, not in the least. I am not a pastor. I have not spent years in schools learning theology. But I am doing my best to live in Christ and to understand what that means. One must always go back to the bible, because God's Word alone is ultimate Truth, and it is what we live by. This is just one Christian's struggles with her faith.